Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, the successor to the cult classic 1988 film Beetlejuice, is a 2024 horror/comedy film directed by gothic horror legend Tim Burton. The sequel serves as a continuation of the original story, skipping 36 years into the future and into the modern age of technology. This reintroduces the same narrative and feel as the original, while also opening the movie up to a younger audience who will come to fall in love with the franchise. As far apart as they are, the sequel proves just as nostalgic and fun-packed as the original. The film stars returning lead Micheal Keaton as Beetlejuice, also returning lead Winona Ryder as Lydia Deetz, and up-and-coming scream queen Jenna Ortega as Lydia’s teenage daughter, Astrid Deetz. With a run time of an hour and 44 minutes, this movie received 77% rotten tomatoes.
Now the students’ opinion!
Samila La : I loved the Beetlejuice movie so much! I enjoyed the movie because it was hilarious and plus, Beetlejuice is cute. I’m not going to tell you much, because I don’t want to spoil it, but it was definitely a 10/10.
Donerio Williams : I’d rate it a solid 6.5/10. It was hilarious and had some memorable moments. It tried too hard to be like the original at times throughout the movie, but it’s a good movie overall!